It can be a very confusing time, with lots of conflicting opinions and various media telling us different things. It's important to keep yourself up to date with the latest advice from the Government, which can be found here:
and here:
please re-visit these pages regularly as they are changing all the time.
Also - here's a great article explaining why soap works a treat on this virus:
I'm co-ordinating a list of who's going where and when - so if you need something which you can't get delivered by any of the services below give me a call. Likewise if you are going out please let me know in case you can pick something up for someone else. I know staying indoors can cause cabin fever but going for a walk or bike ride is MUCH safer than a trip to the shops.
Right now it's best to avoid supermarkets. Demand on supermarkets has become too much for them to cope, and we should instead be using small local shops wherever possible. Here's some places where you can order and get groceries (and other items) delivered to your door:
GLEMHAM CROWN - are offering home delivery or collection from the pub (phone 1st) of a wide range of veg (full list here), milk & home made bread. They are also doing a home delivery service of freshly cooked meals - a full menu is here. Beer is availalble to take away as well. To order please either phone the pub on 01728 663693 or message Rich ("Glemham Crown") on Facebook
JUNIPER BARN - are currently open 9-3 Tues to Sat (shop only). The have in stock all the usual produce including bread, milk, butter & now fresh veg too - to see what they have click on these three documents: list 1, list 2, list 3. They are also doing home deliveries of groceries. To arrange a delivery either phone the shop on 01728 663773 or email
THE SWEFFLING WHITE HORSE - here at the pub we have bottled ales, wines and other drinks as well as some draught ale. The Government has decided that off-licences are 'essential' so it is ok to come to the pub for take-outs, or we can deliver to your door. We also have available some stock which we usually sell in the campsite shop - pasta, tins of beans, dried beans, pasta sauce, chickpeas, pearl barley, sweetcorn, tomato puree & tinned tomatoes. Plus we have lots of frozen pies and packets of crisps. To see what we have for sale (for collection or home delivery), and place an order - visit the 'drinks' page of this website.
FRIDAY STREET FARM SHOP - is currently open their usual hours. They also do a shop collection service whereby you phone your order, pay over the phone and arrange to collect it yourself either by going into the shop or they can bring it out to your car. They are also doing a delivery service (for the vulnerable only) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. There is a delivery charge of £3 if the order is under £30.
GARNETTS GARDENS - are doing a box delivery service. The box is £35 and includes bread, milk, eggs, salad, fruit and veg (exact items will be subject to variation based on availability). They are providing a collection service where you wouldn't need to come into contact with anyone, but if you are unable to collect they can do home delivery. To arrange a box please call 01728 724589, or visit their website or Facebook page.
FRUIT & VEG BOX FROM FRAM MARKET - is available to order from Carl, for collection from the market on Saturdays or for home delivery. Various sizes/selections to suit all budgets. Order by email to:
ACCENT FRESH - have a box delivery service of fresh produce including veg, bread and milk. To order your box to be delivered to your door visit their website here.
SALTER & KING BUTCHERS - is now in Peasenhall & is still currently open. Home delivery available in some areas. To order call 452758.
HALL FARM BUTCHERS - This Fram butchers are able to take telephone orders, and Bobby has kindly agreed to collect any Sweffling orders on Fridays. Their number is 01728 727422
ANIMAL FEED - It's worth knowing that Rackham's (01728 746207) are open and also deliver, as do Toby's Pet Shop (01728 727409) and Wild About Birds (01728 833262).
COFFEE BY POST - not cheap but the most delicious coffee delivered By post to your door. You can set up a subscription so u get a bag of coffee a week. Click here to find out more.
HEINZ TO HOME - Classic Heinz box delivered to your door. Beans, Tom soup & spaghetti hoops:
SUPERMARKETS - if there's something that you need which can't be bought from one of the local suppliers above, please call me. Amongst our helpers we have folks who regularly go to the shops and will happily pick stuff up for you. You can either leave cash for this outside your door or pay online. Just call me on 664178
GREENGROCERS - Pruttons in Stratford St Andrew have expanded their range and are now selling a wide range of veg and fruit
NOTE: if you are vulnerable don't forget to wash all your shopping and then wash your hands
HELP IS AVAILABLE - we have a growing list of people who can help with all sorts of things including (but not limited to) collecting things, shopping, advice, support, fixing stuff, help with medical or care problems or just someone to talk to. To get help with ANYTHING call us at the pub on 01728 664178 and we will get the right person to call you back.
POSTAL SERVICE - we have a post box on the front of the pub, and our postie has also kindly agreed to collect parcels as well in this difficult time. So if you would like to send a parcel to a loved one, you can bring it to the pub and leave it with us to get it posted. If you can, please affix your own postage (click here to calculate and buy postage onine) but if you don't have the facility to do this we do have some stamps here.
PRESCRIPTIONS - Saxmundham surgery will deliver your prescription to your door if you are over 60. Your prescription needs to be in by Friday to be delivered the following Friday. If you are under 60 or need something collected more urgently James goes to Sax every day for work and is happy to collect - just call me on 664178 and I'll pass on the message. For Fram surgery patients, Zoe Fordham is there regularly and is very happy to collect and deliver prescriptions - call her on 07506406176
EGGS - here at the pub we often have duck eggs, Free range chicken eggs are available from Amanda Daniel (at the other end of the village) and Sweffling Hall Farm. Laura (Sweffling Hall Farm) can take payment by Paypal or Stripe as well as cash
BEER & CIDER - we have a large stock of bottled ales, ciders and some draught. If you need any beer or other beverages items as listed on the 'drinks' page - you can collect from the pub doorstep or we can deliver to you (Delivery available to Sweffling, Rendham, Bruisyard, Cransford & Gt Glemham only. Delivery will be made by bike where possible). See 'drinks' page for how to order.
HELP FOR SELF EMPLOYED - I've been asked by a few local self employed folks how to access financial help. Information on what's available and how to claim can be found here.
NEED A CHAT? - three amazing youngsters have set up 'Cheerful Chat' - a telephone service aimed at those who feel lonely and stranded during lockdown. They realised, when phoning their grandparents to keep them chirpy, that some don't have grandchildren and wanted to help. What a beautiful idea & service.
We've put together a few ideas of what we can do to keep ourselves and our loved ones feeling positive. If you have any ideas you'd like to share, or any pictures you think might inspire others, please email them to me at
STAY IN TOUCH - at the moment most of us are feeling a bit isolated. Some are also very afraid. A call from a neighbour, just saying that we're thinking of them, can go a long way. Think of all the people around your home, and people you would normally be coming into contact with, and give them a quick call to check they're ok. Maybe mention this web page to them as well, in case there's something on here which could help them
DIG FOR VICTORY - this idea came from Andy and Lyz: As we have no way of knowing how long the present state of emergency will last, Lyz and I have decided to cram as much fruit and veg as possible into our veg plot this year partly to supply ourselves but also to share around amongst those who need it in the village. An extension of that thought might be to appeal to all of those who have the space and are fit enough to use it, to grow some extra veg to share too. Something other than courgettes preferably as there is always a glut of those in the summer and (as we know from our veg stall) they aren't the most popular of produce. EDIT: if rice and pasta continue to be in short supply, courgettes could make an excellent substitute. To make courgetti, you need loads of courgettes, marrows even, and spag bol with courgetti is delicious! (thanks to Helen for this tip)
GIVE BACK TO NATURE - at the moment the environment is benefitting greatly from our lack of pollutive activity. Why not enhance this and make this a time we can look back on with some cheer? Have a look in your shed and see if you have some scrap wood so you can make a bird nest box or hedgehog house. There are plans for bird houses on the net, and a lovely hedgehog house plan can be found here. These are great activities to do with kids too
EXERCISE - at the moment we're allowed to go out and exercise once a day (this may change - for up to date info click here) so why not use this as a chance to get fit. The fitter we are, the better our defenses and state of mind are. You could even go for a run, bike ride or walk with a friend, so long as you keep 2m apart. Below is a photo of me all triumphant after my run. Send me your photos of your outdoor exercise and I'll put some of them up on here - my email address is CARE: make sure you wear something hi-viz or bright - there's not much traffic out there and some of those that are using the roads have quickly got used to having the road to themselves and are zipping along quite fast.
HOME SCHOOLING - the BBC have just launched 'bitesize' which is daily lessons for homeschooling every year group in Maths, English, Science, History, Geography and more. To access this FREE resouce click here
PLASTICINE MODELLING: Did you know that Jim Parkyn (senior model maker at Aardman - responsible for creating some of the UK’s most loved Plasticine characters – from Morph to Shaun the Sheep) is broadcasting a different modelling lesson EVERY DAY? Suitable for adults and children - so dig out your plasticine (or make some home made playdoh) and tune in for some #communityclaytime. Find the daily lessons either live on Instagram at 3pm each day, or on his Youtube channel.
GAMES TO PLAY WITH FAMILY - This one's from Bill: For grannies separated from their grandchildren, I’ve just remembered a game we invented years ago when Molly lived in London and we lived in Suffolk. Yes, it’s telephone hide & seek, and it really is a lot of fun. You must be faithful to the game and actually hide, but you can hide in the middle of the room, in any room, even outside if your phone signal allows. Top fun. You play it with a series of “are you in the living room?” type of questions, then ‘warm’ and ‘cold’ clues, to narrow it down.
Here's a lovely idea from Jill: via Zoom (or Skype - or any other video chat) you can challenge a grandchild to a race. Either have matching 1-player boardgames, or just a challenge, puzzle or race. A great way to connect with kids when you've run out of things to talk about!
Another family activity I heard on the radio was a wish jar or box - get your family to think of all the things they're missing and would like to do when we're allowed out again, and either write them down or paint/draw a picture of the activity. Then fold them up and put them in the jar - so we've all got something to look forward to. For example, I'm really looking forward to trying the Suffolk Escape Rooms in Saxmundham and fully intend to get a group of mates together to do this as soon as possible.
There are loads of online resources to help keep folks (and little folks!) entertained. One I've found particularly cheery is the Saxmundham - what's happening and Saxmundham Library Facebook pages - there has been lots of folks sharing ideas and information which is keeping people busy and cheerful.
Have you got any ideas of games you could play to keep spirits up? Let me know
GO ON A VIRTUAL TRAIN RIDE - Virtual train rides offer viewers the chance to zone out and calm the mind, while seeing new landscapes, some of which many people will never experience in real life, quarantine or not. Plus, you don’t have to worry about train fare or if the onboard amenities are up to par — just pour yourself a hot cup of tea (or a cocktail to fit the destination) and hop aboard. CLICK HERE to start your journey.
GO TO THE FAIR - did you know that the Alde Valley Spring Festival is on right now, online? So buy yourself some tasty cake (Two Magpies are doing a collection service), make yourself a cup of tea and have a virtual wander around all the lovely artwork. There's lots to see from all the usual artists and some new faces too. Also check out their 'farm suppers' page for an interesting bundle of advice on buying, cooking and eating lovely treats during lockdown.
TAKE A TRIP TO THE PUB - if - like us - you miss the 'pubbub' of your local, check out Radio 5 on Mon, Tues and Weds 10pm - midnight. It is as close as you'll get to an evening in the pub - and it's very good entertainment. I love having it on in the background - it reminds me of the lovely evenings here in the pub. If you'd like some fresh real ale to accompany your evening then check out the 'drinks' page of this website to see how to order.
AFTERNOON TEA - did you know you can get a beautiful and tasty afternoon tea delivered to your door? Peanut Parties will make and deliver a boxful of sandwiches, cakes, scones & tea. It looks delicious - and would be a wonderful treat to send to a friend or relative
Beer delivery rounds
As you may know I've been doing my evening beer delivery rounds in fancy dress & posting videos of them on Facebook. Some, who don't use Facebook, have asked to see the videos - so I've uploaded them onto Youtube and you can see them by clicking here.

one last thing....
We miss our pub, we miss our customers and we miss the magic that filled those rooms. The pub now feels like a cold and empty shell.
We'd like to keep our memories alive, and for this we'd like your help. We want to create some kind of memory board - a page on this website - so we can all remember what made the pub so special. It will give us all something to smile about and something to look forward to when this is all over. So we would like words, pictures, videos - anything which you feel sums up the magic and reminds us what made those nights so special and unique.
I’ll start the ball rolling with this video from a year ago on the spring equinox - the celebration we were due to have the night after the pub was told to close. Click on the link below to see the video: